Whether you're new to North Crossing or not, you may have wondered why the assessment is lower for the single-family homes vs. the townhomes (TH).  The differential is based on services required for the two different parts of the community.   The TH on the private drive of Beaver Alley pay the highest assessment based on the private streetlights in the alley and the cost of upkeep for the private alleyways.   The streetlights in the balance of the community are funded by the City.  The asphalt and striping, curbs and gutters, in the parking areas throughout the TH section are maintained by the Association.  Also cared for by the Association, are the sections of sidewalk NOT in front of a TH, as well as the area around the mailboxes.  That includes snow removal and concrete maintenance.  A careful look at these services led to a calculated percentage differential between the two styles of homes.  

In accordance with the Declaration of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions, Article VI, Section 8, the Board of Directors provides an approved budget for each up coming year.  These budgets are reviewed at the Annual meeting of the Assocaiton to get homeowner input and to answer questions homeowners may have regarding the budget.

Budgets & Financials: